1. 1200 Aluminum Disc Circle Introduction
  2. Basic Information about 1200 Aluminum Discs
  3. Performance of 1200 Aluminum Discs
  4. 1200 Aluminum Discs Common Tempers
  5. 1200 Aluminum Disc Circle Disadvantages
  6. Applications of 1200 Aluminum Discs and Examples
  7. Analyzing and Comparing Different Alloy Aluminum Discs
  8. When to Choose 1200 Aluminum Discs
  9. Hot Topics about 1200 Aluminum Discs and Related Searches
  10. Conclusion

1200 Aluminum Disc Circle Introduction

1200 aluminum discs, also known as aluminum circles, are a part of the 1000 series aluminum alloys, which are characterized by their high purity and exceptional corrosion resistance.

While 1200 aluminum discs exhibit several advantages, such as good formability and resistance to corrosion, they also have limitations, including limited strength.

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the basic information about 1200 aluminum discs, highlight their performance, discuss their disadvantages, explore various applications with specific examples, analyze the differences between different alloy aluminum discs, when to choose 1200 aluminum discs.

1200 Aluminum Disc Circle

Basic Information about 1200 Aluminum Discs

1. 1200 Aluminum Discs Composition

1200 aluminum discs are made from aluminum alloy 1200, which is composed of a minimum of 99.0% pure aluminum, with small amounts of other elements such as iron and silicon.

2. Shape and Size

These discs are typically circular and are available in various diameters and thicknesses to cater to diverse applications.

3. Key Properties of 1200 Aluminum Discs

  • Corrosion Resistance: 1200 aluminum discs exhibit excellent corrosion resistance, making them suitable for applications exposed to moisture, chemicals, or harsh environmental conditions.
  • Formability: They are highly formable and can be easily shaped, stamped, or machined into various forms and sizes, allowing for custom applications.
  • Softness: The 1200 alloy is relatively soft, which aids in its formability but can make it more susceptible to deformation and denting upon physical impact.

Performance of 1200 Aluminum Discs

1200 Aluminum Disc Circle Mechanical Properties

  • Tensile Strength: The tensile strength of 1200 aluminum discs typically ranges from 90 to 110 MPa, depending on the temper and thickness of the disc.
  • Yield Strength: The yield strength is generally around 35 to 41 MPa. This value varies based on the temper and thickness of the discs.
  • Elongation: The percentage of elongation for 1200 aluminum discs ranges from 24% to 28%, depending on the temper and specific alloy composition.
  • Hardness: The hardness of 1200 aluminum discs is typically in the range of 28 to 34 Brinell, influenced by the temper and thickness.

Coated 1200 Aluminum Disc Circle

Physical Properties of 1200 Aluminum Disc Circle

  • Density: The density of 1200 aluminum is approximately 0.097 pounds per cubic inch (2.68 g/cm³).
  • Melting Point: 1200 aluminum has a melting point of about 1, 191°F (644.4°C).
  • Thermal Conductivity: The thermal conductivity of 1200 aluminum is around 229 W/m·K.
  • Electrical Conductivity: 1200 aluminum is an excellent electrical conductor, with a conductivity rating of approximately 65% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard).

1200 Aluminum Discs Common Tempers

  • 1200 O Aluminum Disc Circle
  • 1200 H12 Aluminum Disc Circle
  • 1200 H14 Aluminum Disc Circle
  • 1200 H16 Aluminum Disc Circle
  • 1200 H18 Aluminum Disc Circle

1200 Aluminum Disc Circle Disadvantages

  • Limited Strength: One of the significant disadvantages of 1200 aluminum discs is their limited strength. They may not be suitable for applications that require high structural integrity or load-bearing capacity.
  • Softness: The softness of the alloy can lead to deformation and denting when subjected to physical impacts. This characteristic must be considered in applications with rigorous mechanical demands.

Applications of 1200 Aluminum Discs and Examples

Cookware: 1200 aluminum discs are frequently used in the manufacture of cookware, such as frying pans and pots, due to their excellent corrosion resistance and formability. This ensures even heat distribution and efficient cooking.

Signage: In the sign industry, 1200 aluminum discs are utilized for creating durable and weather-resistant signage. Their corrosion-resistant nature ensures long-lasting outdoor performance.

Electrical Components: Due to their excellent electrical conductivity, 1200 aluminum discs are ideal for electrical applications, such as electrical enclosures and connectors.

Lamp Shades: The formability and softness of 1200 aluminum make it a popular choice for lamp shades and lighting fixtures, where precise shaping and aesthetics are essential.

Analyzing and Comparing Different Alloy Aluminum Discs

1200 Aluminum Discs vs. 1050

Both 1200 and 1050 aluminum discs are part of the 1000 series aluminum alloys and share similar characteristics. However, 1200 discs may offer slightly better corrosion resistance. Formability and electrical conductivity are also comparable.

1200 Aluminum Discs vs. 3003

3003 aluminum discs offer improved strength compared to 1200 discs, making them suitable for applications requiring structural integrity. However, 3003 may not match 1200 in terms of formability.

1200 Aluminum Discs vs. 6061

6061 aluminum discs provide enhanced strength and are commonly used in applications requiring structural support. However, they may not be as easily formable as 1200 discs, and they have lower corrosion resistance.

1200 Aluminum Discs Shipment

When to Choose 1200 Aluminum Discs

  • Corrosive Environments: When an application is exposed to corrosive environments or substances, 1200 aluminum discs are an excellent choice due to their outstanding corrosion resistance.
  • Custom Shaped Parts: For applications that require custom-shaped parts or precise components, 1200 aluminum discs are ideal due to their exceptional formability and versatility.
  • Electrical and Electronic Applications: In applications where electrical conductivity is crucial, such as electrical enclosures, connectors, and electronic components, 1200 aluminum discs offer excellent performance.

Hot Topics

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1200 aluminum discs, with their remarkable corrosion resistance and formability, are valued in various industries, including cookware, signage, and electrical components. While they offer unique advantages, it's essential to consider their limitations, such as limited strength.

When choosing 1200 aluminum discs, it's crucial to evaluate the specific requirements of your application and ensure they align with the alloy's properties.

Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges associated with 1200 aluminum discs allows for well-informed decisions and harnessing the full potential of this versatile material.

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