1. 1070 Aluminum Disc Circle Introduction
  2. 1070 Aluminum Disc Features
  3. Basic Information about 1070 Aluminum Discs
  4. Advantages of 1070 Aluminum Discs
  5. 1070 Aluminum Disc Product Quality
  6. Mechanical Properties of 1070 Aluminum Circle
  7. Chemical Compositions of 1070 Aluminum Circle
  8. Application Examples of 1070 Aluminum Discs
  9. Alloy Substitutes for 1070 Aluminum Discs
  10. When to Choose 1070 Aluminum Discs
  11. Common Problems During Production and Solutions
  12. Disadvantages of 1070 Aluminum Discs
  13. Common Problems During Usage and Solutions
  14. Conclusion

1070 Aluminum Disc Circle Introduction

1070 aluminum discs, also known as aluminum circles, are essential components in a wide range of applications across industries due to their unique combination of properties. These discs are manufactured from high-purity aluminum alloy 1070, which exhibits exceptional formability, thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance.

1070 Aluminum Disc Circle

1070 Aluminum Disc Features

  • 1. Alloy 1070 aluminum plate, deep drawing quality, good spinning quality, excellent forming and anodizing, no four ears.
  • 2. Excellent reflectivity, conducive to polishing.
  • 3. The anodizing quality is good and suitable for hard anodizing and enamelling.
  • 4. Smooth surface, smooth edges, hot-rolled quality.
  • 5. Excellent pearlescent color anodization.

Basic Information about 1070 Aluminum Discs

1070 Aluminum Discs Composition

1070 aluminum discs are crafted from aluminum alloy 1070, which comprises 99.7% pure aluminum. The high purity of this alloy is a key factor contributing to its excellent formability and other desirable properties.

1070 Aluminum Disc Shape and Size

These aluminum discs are typically circular in shape, featuring precise dimensions in terms of diameter and thickness. Their round configuration is especially valuable for many applications.

Alloy: 1070

Temper: O, H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, H28

Thickness: 0.4-3.0mm

Diameter: 100-1500mm

Diameter Tolerance

Nominal Diameter Tolerance
Multiple of 5mm +/- 0.5mm
Not multiple of 5mm +/- 3.0mm

Key Properties of 1070 Aluminum Circle

  • Outstanding Formability: 1070 aluminum discs are renowned for their extraordinary malleability, enabling them to be easily shaped, stamped, and machined to create diverse forms and sizes. This property makes them an ideal choice for custom applications.
  • Exceptional Thermal Conductivity: The high thermal conductivity of 1070 aluminum discs makes them perfect for applications where efficient heat dissipation is vital. They are often used in the manufacture of heat sinks and electronic components.
  • Resistant to Corrosion: 1070 aluminum discs demonstrate good resistance to corrosion, enabling them to withstand exposure to moisture and environmental factors without significant deterioration in performance or aesthetics.

Advantages of 1070 Aluminum Discs

1. Lightweight

Being lightweight, 1070 aluminum discs are easy to handle and install. This characteristic is particularly beneficial in applications where weight reduction is a priority, such as in the aerospace and automotive industries.

2. Recyclability

Aluminum is highly recyclable, contributing to sustainability goals and environmental responsibility. 1070 aluminum discs can be recycled, which helps reduce environmental impact and conserve valuable resources.

1070 Aluminum Discs Packing

1070 Aluminum Disc Product Quality

  • 1. 1070 wafers are available in complete specifications. In addition to regular sizes, platters with a minimum thickness of 0.2 mm and a maximum thickness of 6.5 mm are also available.
  • 2. The surface performance of the wafer is good, ensuring that there are no obvious scratches, oil stains, oxidation, black spots, etc.
  • 3. When the round thickness is >0.5 mm, ensure that the edges of the finished product are neat and burr-free.
  • 4. The grain size grade and elongation of the coil are well controlled, ensuring excellent deep drawing and spinning performance of the round material, effectively avoiding the possibility of post-processing. Undesirable patterns such as brushed lines, ruffles, and high ear rates.
  • 5. Strictly control the alloy, status, and performance of the coil to ensure the accuracy and diversity of the round numbers provided.
  • 6. Completely free of white rust, oil spots, roll marks, edge damage, bends, dents, holes, broken wires, scratches and other defects.

Mechanical Properties of 1070 Aluminum Circle

Property Typical Value
Tensile Strength 55 - 95 MPa
Yield Strength ~45 MPa
Elongation 25-30%
Hardness Varies (based on heat treatment)

Chemical Compositions of 1070 Aluminum Circle

Element Composition (%)
Aluminum 99.7
Silicon 0.20 (max)
Iron 0.25 (max)
Copper 0.04 (max)
Manganese 0.03 (max)
Zinc 0.03 (max)
Others (each) 0.03 (max)
Others (total) 0.10 (max)

Application Examples of 1070 Aluminum Discs

Type Applications
Common Cookware Pan Lid, Kettle, Induction Cooker Cladding, etc.
Lamps and Lantern Parts Lamp shade, Lamp Cup, etc.
Construction Material Traffic Guideboard, Building Decorations, etc.
Other Transportation, Electronic Appliance, Consumer Goods, etc.

1070 Aluminum Disc Circle for Cookware

1070 aluminum discs are frequently used in the manufacture of cookware, such as frying pans and pots, due to their excellent formability and high thermal conductivity. These properties ensure even heat distribution and efficient cooking.

1070 Aluminum Disc Circle for Heat Sinks

Given their exceptional thermal conductivity, 1070 aluminum discs are widely used in heat sinks. In electronic and electrical applications, they help dissipate heat effectively, preventing overheating and ensuring the reliability of components.

1070 Aluminum Disc Circle for Reflective Discs

The lighting industry often utilizes 1070 aluminum discs as reflective discs in lamps and lighting fixtures. They improve light distribution and enhance the overall performance and efficiency of lighting systems.

1070 Aluminum Disc Circle for Custom Stamped Parts

Various industries, including automotive and aerospace, leverage 1070 aluminum discs for custom stamped parts. Their formability and lightweight properties make them ideal for manufacturing specialized components.

Alloy Substitutes for 1070 Aluminum Discs

While 1070 aluminum discs offer unique advantages, there are scenarios where other alloy alternatives may be considered:

1. 1050 Aluminum Discs

Alloy 1050 is another high-purity aluminum alloy, boasting slightly higher formability compared to 1070. It can be an alternative when even greater malleability is required for specific applications.

2. 3003 Aluminum Discs

Alloy 3003 offers improved strength compared to 1070, making it a suitable choice for applications where structural integrity is essential. However, it may not match 1070 in terms of formability.

3. 6061 Aluminum Discs

Alloy 6061 provides enhanced strength and is often used in applications requiring structural support. Still, it may not be as easily formable as 1070, making the choice dependent on the specific requirements of the application.

When to Choose 1070 Aluminum Discs

1. Custom Shaped Parts

When your application requires custom-shaped parts, 1070 aluminum discs are an excellent choice. Their superior formability allows for the creation of unique and precise components tailored to specific requirements.

2. Heat Dissipation

For applications that demand efficient heat dissipation, such as heat sinks or lighting fixtures, 1070 aluminum discs are the ideal selection due to their high thermal conductivity. They ensure effective heat dissipation, preventing overheating and ensuring the reliability of electronic components.

3. Lightweight Components

In applications where lightweight components are essential, such as in the aerospace and automotive industries, 1070 aluminum discs provide the advantage of reduced weight without compromising performance.

1070 Aluminum Discs Stock

Common Problems During Production and Solutions

1. Surface Imperfections

Issue: Surface imperfections, such as scratches or blemishes, may occur during the production of 1070 aluminum discs.

Solution: Implementing rigorous quality control measures and refining the manufacturing process can help reduce surface imperfections, ensuring high-quality final products.

2. Deformation

Issue: Due to the softness of 1070 aluminum discs, deformation or dents can occur during production, impacting the quality of the finished components.

Solution: Proper handling and the use of appropriate machining techniques, including the selection of suitable tooling, can help prevent deformation issues.

3. Surface Oxidation

Issue: Surface oxidation can result from exposure to environmental conditions during storage or transport, affecting the appearance and potentially the performance of the discs.

Solution: Storing 1070 aluminum discs in a controlled environment and applying protective coatings can help minimize surface oxidation, preserving their aesthetics and properties.

Disadvantages of 1070 Aluminum Discs

1. Limited Strength

One of the primary disadvantages of 1070 aluminum discs is their limited strength. They may not be suitable for applications that require high structural integrity or load-bearing capacity.

2. Softness

The high purity of the 1070 alloy results in relatively soft aluminum discs. While this softness is advantageous for formability, it can lead to easier deformation and denting in some applications, especially when subjected to physical impacts.

Common Problems During Usage and Solutions

1. Denting

Issue: Aluminum discs, including those made from 1070 alloy, may be susceptible to denting when subjected to physical impacts or heavy loads.

Solution: Implement preventive measures, such as protective coverings or bumpers, to help mitigate denting issues, ensuring the long-term reliability of the components.

2. Corrosion

Issue: Corrosion can occur if the aluminum discs are exposed to corrosive environments or substances, which can impact both aesthetics and performance.

Solution: Applying suitable coatings or protective treatments, such as anodizing or painting, can enhance corrosion resistance, preserving the integrity and appearance of the discs.

3. Thermal Expansion

Issue: Aluminum discs, including those made from 1070 alloy, may undergo thermal expansion with temperature fluctuations, potentially affecting their fit or function in an application.

Solution: Properly designed expansion joints or accommodating thermal expansion within the application's design can address this issue, ensuring the discs continue to perform effectively.


1070 aluminum discs, characterized by their formability, high thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance, play a pivotal role in diverse applications, including cookware, heat sinks, reflective lighting discs, and custom stamped parts.

While they offer unique advantages, such as outstanding formability and lightweight properties, it's important to acknowledge their limitations in terms of strength.

When considering the use of 1070 aluminum discs, it's crucial to assess the specific requirements of your application and evaluate how well the alloy's properties align with those needs.

To maximize the potential of 1070 aluminum discs and address potential challenges in production and usage, it's essential to implement quality control measures, proper handling techniques, and protective coatings.

By understanding the versatility of 1070 aluminum discs and being aware of their potential issues, you can make well-informed decisions and harness the full potential of this versatile material.

1070 Aluminum Disc Circle Stock List

Description Thickness(mm) Diameter(mm)
15mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 15mm
4.2mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 4.2mm
4.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 4.5mm
4.75mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 4.75mm
5.3mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 5.3mm
6.95mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 6.95mm
8.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 8.5mm
9.2mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 9.2mm
9.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 9.5mm
11mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 11mm
11.125mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 11.125mm
13.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 13.5mm
14.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 14.5mm
16mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 16mm
19mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 19mm
19.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 19.5mm
20.3mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 20.3mm
20.7mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 20.7mm
22.75mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 22.75mm
23mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 23mm
26mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 26mm
29.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 29.5mm
32.75mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 32.75mm
34.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 34.5mm
36.7mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 36.7mm
44.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 44.5mm
25.4mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 25.4mm
30mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 30mm
25mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 25mm
27mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 27mm
40mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 40mm
50.8mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 50.8mm
5.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 5.5mm
5.9mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 5.9mm
6.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 6.5mm
6.8mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 6.8mm
7mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 7mm
7.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 7.5mm
9mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 9mm
12mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 12mm
13mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 13mm
13.7mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 13.7mm
14mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 14mm
14.4mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 14.4mm
17mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 17mm
17.4mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 17.4mm
18.8mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 18.8mm
19.6mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 19.6mm
20.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 20.5mm
21mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 21mm
23.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 23.5mm
24.1mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 24.1mm
24.8mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 24.8mm
28mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 28mm
29mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 29mm
31mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 31mm
32mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 32mm
35mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 35mm
36mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 36mm
42mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 42mm
43mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 43mm
43.75mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 43.75mm
45mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 45mm
4mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 4mm
50mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 50mm
6.35mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 6.35mm
8mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 8mm
10mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 10mm
12.7mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 12.7mm
33mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 33mm
5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 5mm
7.7mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 7.7mm
7.8mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 7.8mm
10.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 10.5mm
11.2mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 11.2mm
11.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 11.5mm
12.1mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 12.1mm
15.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 15.5mm
18mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 18mm
18.7mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 18.7mm
22mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 22mm
24mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 24mm
28.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 28.5mm
28.58mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 28.58mm
29.1mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 29.1mm
31.3mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 31.3mm
31.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 31.5mm
38.1mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 38.1mm
44mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 44mm
12.5mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 12.5mm
20mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 20mm
6mm 1070 Aluminum Disc 0.5mm 6mm
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